Image of someone working on a keyboard and and rocketship. - Better. Faster. Stronger.

Almost a year into life and we had so much to share that you might have missed a few milestones. Bottom line: our Figma plugin has changed a lot, and for the better 👇

A lock on top of the Storybook logo.

Private Storybooks supported

Our most requested feature since early beta: private Storybooks can now be connected as well as public ones.

👉  See how.

A person looking at button styles and color options.

Support for Design Tokens

All Figma styles or Design Tokens prefixed with are now automatically mapped and applied to any imported components that use them.

👉 See how.

A code editor on top of button components in a Figma workspace.

Advanced mode with variant properties API

Programmatically define the Figma variant properties that you want for a particular story.

👉  See how.

A person working at a laptop and a desktop with storybook and Figma screens open.

Developer Mode

Storybook code changes, directly applied to Figma, without re-building and re-publishing your entire Storybook.

👉  See how.

A computer screen with cogs working and a loading bar, and a rocketship taking off.

Performance improvements

We made process variants faster. Way faster. 9 times faster to be exact!

👉  Here is how we did it.

A group of components from a design system.

Subcomponents support

Subcomponents in your Storybook are automatically detected; that’s right! It’s still in beta, but we’re getting there.

👉  See how.

A section of the plugin with 3 import options and a cursor clicking on Histoire icon.

Histoire support

You can now import Histoire components, straight into Figma, and keep them in sync just like Storybook.

👉  See how.

What’s next?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We still have a lot in the pipe for 2023 so, stay tuned!

👋 Hi there!

We built the Figma plugin that keeps your Figma library true-to-code. imports components from Storybook to Figma in seconds.

Try it for free Screenshots of a component in Storybook and in Figma